Credit rating investing Real Estate Investing

Should You Be Worried, if You Are Investing in the US?

You may have heard the recent news that Fitch, one of the major credit rating agencies, downgraded the USA’s credit rating from AAA to AA+. This news has already sent shockwaves throughout the world. But what does a lower credit rating mean? Is the panic justified? And if you invest in the US, should you […]

grain investing

Is This The Time to Invest in Grain? 

It’s not a secret that the grain market is in distress these days. Ukraine, the ‘breadbasket of Europe’ is going through… some hard times, and does not produce grain as much as it used to. This causes prices to go wild all over the world. In addition, global warming also takes its toll on this […]

Real Estate Investing

Why There’s So Much Interest in the Gaming Industry

Up until 10-15 years ago, gaming was mainly associated with teenagers and geeks, but nowadays, that’s really not the case anymore. An increasing number of adults, even those who are married with children, are also getting hooked on gaming – and that’s a worldwide phenomenon. Not to mention, the sum of money spent on gaming […]

Real Estate Investing

Bitcoin Plummets – What Should You Do?

Since November, we have been witnessing a constant decline in the value of Bitcoin. This decline has turned into a plummet in the last month, bringing some Bitcoin investors to panic and sell their assets short. This feeling can be understood, considering the fact that the value of Bitcoin at the time of writing this […]

Real Estate Investing

Is it a good time to invest in farmland?

In many aspects, the world has already returned to its economic tracks. However, to me, it’s clear that some mindsets we carried with us during the last two years are still with us, and in my opinion, they are here to stay. I’m talking about, for example, the rush after safe havens. This means seeking […]

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